Aiming at bringing an innovative design idea in the field of tourism, Studio WG3 implemented a mobile hotel room in Styria, Austria. Entitled Hypercubus, the project is based on three fundamental principles: the use of open areas with available infrastructure (alternatively also self-sufficient), construction of small modular living units that are also transportable and the creation of a new concept in tourism (the prepaid apartment) with a uniform corporate design. With mobility being its strongest feature, the project can be moved around from place to place, meeting the accommodation demands during high and low tourist season.
With a highly modern interior and cleverly all-equipped, this particular mobile hotel room offers a high degree of comfort for its guests. But the interior design of the Hypercubus can be easily adapted to a variety of tastes and seasonal changes. If we were to take this idea further, similar “cubes” can be built responding to the tourists’ need for rustic and traditional details as well. An office space can be created, providing an artist or a writer with a quiet place to gather ideas. The possibilities seem endless at this point. Have a look at the video below to see how the unit is made and transported! Almost looks too easy, doesn’t it?
Via: Mobile Hypercubus Hotel Room Can Reinvent the Accommodation Industry [Video]
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