> > > > > > > > > > Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated Bookcase

Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated Bookcase

Posted by Newbie Bloggers on Thursday, 9 August 2012

Round Chair Bookcase combin Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated Bookcase

Just when we thought we’ve seen it all in chair design, this creative idea left us speechless. Framed by an integrated bookcase, the innovative Sunflower Chair created by designers He Mu and Zhang Qian from the Shanghai University of Engineering Science may occupy more space than your common living room chair, but its functionality more than makes up for that inconvenience. According to Chair Blog, the model recently won the Redtory Design Award at the Design for Sitting Gran Prix competition in Guangzhou, China. And that comes as no surprise; the Sunflower Chair bursts with originality and is one of those items that has “must have” written all over it. A fluffy cushion provides a high level of comfort and the possibility to relax in more than one body position. A clever shelving system for books and magazines surrounds the user, who can simply reach out and grab his or her favorite publication. The supporting legs are barely noticeable, a design approach that emphasizes on the “sunflower” itself. How would you comment on the overall design of this chair? Would you consider it as an addition to your home?


Via: Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated Bookcase

Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated Bookcase Gallery

Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated
Bookcase Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated
Bookcase Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated
Bookcase Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated
Bookcase Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated
Bookcase Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated
Bookcase Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated

Description: Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated Bookcase Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Newbie Bloggers - Item Reviewed: Bursting with Originality: Sunflower Chair with Smart Integrated Bookcase

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