> > Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady

Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady

Posted by Newbie Bloggers on Sunday, 12 August 2012

Miss Fairlady

The emphasis in the title is the word "Miss" this isn't about the Datsun Fairlady (that eventually became the line of Z cars still going today), but the women who were hired to help sell them. Introduced as a concept to accompany a marquee dealership in Tokyo's chic Ginza area, the five Miss Fairladys were given product training so they could answer customer questions, a new thing at the time.

Nissan has made a neat little vid on the beginnings of Miss Fairlady, and it includes an interview with a Miss Fairlady from the early 1970s as well as her daughter, who is the Chief Miss Fairlady in Tokyo and Yokohama today. You'll find the rather attractive history lesson in the video posted below.
Via: Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady

Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady Gallery

Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady

Description: Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Newbie Bloggers - Item Reviewed: Nissan recalls the birth of Miss Fairlady

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